Tuesday, January 15, 2013

DIY: Repotting Plants.

I'm slightly crazy about houseplants, flowers and anything green that grows in general. Houseplants remind me of my darling Granny. She had them everywhere! So in honor of her I bought a plant to sit in my kitchen window. It makes me so happy to see those green little leaves reaching for the light.....oh how I know that yearning....that searching for the sun. So if you have a hankering to grow plants indoors here are a few tips that might be of help to you.

I picked this up from Walmart for $2.75. I already had the pot. You can view the tutorial for polka dotting pots that I did in 2010 here!

When you take the plant out of the pot it will look like this.........root bound.

Break the roots loose and unwrap and roots that are wrapped around the root wad.

When I broke the roots loose a couple babies fell off. I planted these in a separate pot.

This plant likes to put off roots off of the stems. (yes that is spray paint on my fingers. *grin*) I broke a couple of these off and stuck in a jar of water to root.

Fill the bottom of your pot around a third of the way full then put the root wad in and dirt around it. Put in a spot that receives sunlight, water and watch grow!

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